The Ambition of WaveyBoy and JBadge

We’re back with another song review, and this time it’s from an up and coming artist from Detroit, and his name is WaveyBoy. He recently released the single, Lust & Love featuring Trae Rixx, but I discovered him from the single before that, Ambition featuring JBadge. I previously reviewed JBadge’s independently released Statements, and have been listening to his music ever since. While on his artist page, I decided to check out his featured on section and found Ambition.

Starting from the visual aesthetic of the cover, the art features an angelic sculpture on top of the moon and underneath an upside down church. I interpret this as the ambition of these artists is to shoot for the stars and turn the world upside down. To say the least, I was intrigued if the sonics of the song matched the visual representation, and I can say that I wasn’t disappointed. 

As far as the production, it is straight out of Detroit. The instrumental is the dark and fast sound associated with a lot of Detroit rap, which is incidentally similar to Bay Area Hip-Hop. This is why I originally thought WaveyBoy was from Cali, his swag and flow reminded me of Vince Staples, of course with his own style, and the Californian connection of the feature verse from JBadge. 

Speaking of JBadge, I am a fan of his music for a reason. As I mentioned in my previous article for his song Statements, JBadge always sounds like he’s bringing the feeling back of the golden era of Hip-Hop, but with a modern sound. His verse on Ambition was a stand out. His flow contrasted perfectly with WaveyBoy adding versatility to the record. 

If you haven’t heard the song, go check it out. It’s a must add to your playlists and rotations, but don’t stop there. Also check out WaveyBoy’s latest single, Lust & Love, and JBadge’s independently released single, Statements.


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